We are now entering November and it is starting to get cold. Our customers continue to rely on us as the official service of Ecoforest, for installation and maintenance of pellet cookers. This week we installed one in Torrevieja, with numerous programmable functions and with which they will have the house warm and comfortable all winter, in an economical and environmentally friendly way.
Why use pellets?
The pellet is a biomass based on sawdust pressed and agglutinated by means of resins, it has a higher calorific value than the traditional one and a much more economical price. Also its possibilities of configuration and automated programming, allows us to save energy and consumption of pellets according to weather conditions.
Advantages of Biomass
- Biomass is a renewable energy of the future, respectful with the environment, which contributes to the fulfilment of the Kyoto Protocol.
- CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions from biomass are neutral.
- If the biomass feedstock used comes from waste, these fuels help recycling.
- Biomass is an inexhaustible source of energy, provided it is managed sustainably.
- Biomass is a constant and storable energy.
- Energy produced from biomass is not subject to market price fluctuations and is a source of jobs in underdeveloped agricultural areas.
- Biomass is a very good alternative to oil, as it is a renewable resource that is more evenly distributed over the Earth’s surface and is an energy source that can be exploited using more environmentally friendly technologies.
- The production of biomass involves the clearing of forests, which helps to prevent the risk of forest fires.
Why trust us with the installation?
In addition to being an official Ecoforest service, which is a great accreditation of the sector to us and our installers. In AC Torrevieja we have been installing all types of cookers and heating systems for many years. Always in a professional way, after a study of the situation of each house and offering economical and efficient ways to keep your home warm in winter.